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How to Stop Organizational Knowledge Loss with Customer Stratification

Knowledge loss. It’s the shared risk that companies grapple with as they undergo the normal ebb and flow of employee churn, leadership exit plans, and even staff reduction or layoffs. The pandemic environment–and the Great Resignation that followed–taught us many lessons about knowledge loss. According to Gartner, The cost of knowledge loss that results from […]

Freight-In Cost: A Crucial Component of Customer Stratification

Customer stratification is a framework that produces an in-depth understanding of how your customers are impacting your bottom line, allowing you to rank your customers on multiple key performance factors. Without this insight, defining and deploying results-driven sales strategies, assessing their impact, and making decisions about how your sales team best prioritizes their resources becomes […]

Cracking the Code to Strategic Pricing: Customer Stratification

The pressure to win business in the distribution and manufacturing sectors is fierce. For many companies, just being able to hold onto existing market share—much less stimulating growth—poses enough of a challenge. Often, business leaders aren’t aware of the multiple ways in which strategic pricing can directly help them achieve their goals–and they are equally […]

Off System Processes:  Are they hampering your ability to scale?

Here’s what we learned recently with a client. The client was on a version-locked ERP, and we were excited to be given the opportunity to help them move to a new business management system. In about 9 months ago they were live on their new system! Despite having many discovery meetings during our sales cycle where we […]

Growing Profitably Using Customer Stratification


Plagued by Product Proliferation? Check Your Sales Strategies.

In many cases, sales strategies designed to drive ambitious rates of growth in top line revenue have an underlying supporting tactic: maintaining maximum customer demand satisfaction regardless of the customer profile. This tactic is executed by a robust investment in inventory to meet the widest spectrum of customer preferences. If you think that investing in […]

Business Intelligence for Manufacturers: The Key to Investment and Sales Strategies that Lead to Profitable Growth

Business intelligence for manufacturers is becoming more accessible as technology evolves. And today, a top business intelligence strategy–item stratification–is no longer a best-kept secret for how manufacturing businesses are growing profitably. Many in the manufacturing space are adopting both item and customer stratification as they move toward profitable growth, and this blog will cover ways […]

Predictive Analytics for Manufacturers and its Role in Generating Profitable Growth

As manufacturers plan for optimal organizational performance, priority should be given to understanding the role their inventory plays in overall growth and profit generation. And it’s through regular use of predictive analytics that manufacturers are able to perform smart inventory analysis and associated decision making.  Item stratification is one type of predictive analysis. Item stratification […]

Beyond ERP Modules: Securing Profitability With Business Improvement Apps

When an ERP system is implemented effectively, it can become the foundation for performance excellence — ”foundation” being the operative word. However, out-of-the box functionality can only go so far. Investing in the right business improvement applications to augment your ERP’s standard capabilities can produce a game-changing combination that in the end fuels both growth […]

Manufacturing Optimization: The Path to Profitable Growth

Manufacturing optimization is defined as the practice of utilizing data to build better products more efficiently, all with the goal of creating and sustaining a competitive advantage. Applying manufacturing optimization methodologies to core functions such as inventory management will, in the end, drive top-line revenue and bottom-line profit. It’s a smart investment that will future-proof your […]